Sunday, December 11, 2011

Artist Blog 22: Debbie Smyth

Ahh this is so cool! Debbie Smyth creates illustrations by using pins and thread. By using these materials Smyth creates amazing artwork creating stories for her viewers. Every pin is placed according to sketch and is connected by threads. Tight threads create the object and lose threads represent motion. Out of several of lines different objects, letters are created and look absolutely amazing. These pieces have to take several hours to complete because they are not small-scale projects. Smyth has been hired by New York Times to complete corporate projects. Most of Smyth's projects are stories recorded by long walks. In the image above all the windows and doors are closed formed but inside there are details that are left open but still create a shape. When creating the man pushing the cart she outlined him with more threads then anything els. This is what focuses the eye on the man in the middle and tells the story about that man. I love the message in the below piece "Live what you Love" its beautiful. I love the colors and font used to create this. Smyth's art does not look that hard on a small scale. I would really like to try this on a wall in my house, it would be a really fun project. 

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