Thursday, December 1, 2011

Artist Blog 12: Valerie Hegarty

Bierstadt with Holes 2007103 x 85 x 7cm

Valerie Hegarty graduated from School of Art Institute of Chicago with a MFA in 2002. When viewing Hegarty's work I feel very emotional. What I see in her art is depression and destruction. She has man made pieces that are destroyed. The destruction is ether of fire, weathering, earthquake crakes, or bullet holes. I personally find her work very interesting and meaningful. What I get from her work is that Mother Nature is very powerful and she is displaying how easily the environment can damage society today. I also see how society destroys society today. The mass desire for war is what ruins society today. I could honestly look at her artwork for a good couple of hours. Every time I look at one of these I think of how destructive humans are and the world. 

By looking at Bierstadt with Holes and George Washington Shipwrecked Hegarty took two pieces of art work and transformed them into trash. She did this by cutting it up, ripping, and shooting the artwork. These two pieces reminds me of the civil war. This is because art work in the 1800's looked like these and houses were raided and destroyed during the war. 

George Washington Shipwrecked 200739" x 33" x 4"
Unearthed 200836" x 22" x 10"

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